Art Promotion sa

The artist of the month

Eugene de bie (1914-1983)

It's about more than twenty years (August 1983) that Eugène De Bie left us.

The K Gallery presents regularly on its walls, 10 Charles Hanssens street at Brussels, and permanently on its Internet web site, a selection of oil paintings and drawings.

It's in fact through those two techniques that the artist expressed himself. Drawing was for him a faithful road companion which gave him genesis of lots of paintings. The painter liked to sketch, to grip, to seize the life of his fellow men in a few pencil strokes and, sometimes, put them in the world of a canvas. He liked also the detail of the nib and the perfection of the ink which espoused themself in nice searched compositions, fragments of the reality or pieces of imaginary. In his olie paintings, Eugène De Bie gave free rein to his love of the life and to this colourful fantastic which is characteristic of him. Painter of a certain theatrical, a universe where strange and disturbing figures move about, painter of a mystery tinged with humour and dream visions, he has been also the "singer" of Brittany. This region which he discovers a little by chance, but immediately loved, has imposed itself like an inexhaustible inspiration source: fishermen, landscapes, still lifes, fantastic compositions have traces on them. De Bie would have live well ten, twenty or thirty years more. He had in reserve a nice wealth of impressions of sceneries and projects. And even if at the end of his life his art moves towards a refine expression, he did not kept less strong roots in the human reality.